“๚–{Œ๊ | English
@@@@ Tsugaru-Hirakawa

Hiraka station, Head Office of Konan Railways in it
Hirosaki station Kuroish station
Approaching Hiraka Operation normal
Ready for leaving Passengers on train
Mt. Iwaki in background Russel & snowplough

Konan Railways has more than 90 yeras history, founded on 27 March 1926
as the northernmost private electric railway-operating company in Japan.
They are serving 16.8‚‹‚ between Hirosaki Station and Kuroishi Station
have their head office at Hiraka Station, which is the gate way to
RESIDENCE INN Tsugaru-Hirakawa as well.

Historical trains will take you to the right places to visit in Tsugaru easily
and smoothly
during your stay with RESIDENCE INN.

@–Route Map–

@@ O‘O HirosakicCherry Blossome Fes./Neputa Fes./JR /Bus to APO
@@@@@ @@@|
O‘O“Œ‚‘O Hirosaki-Higashiko Mae
@@@@@@ @@|
‰^“ฎŒ๖‰€‘O Undo-Koen MaecSports Arena/Baseball Stadium/Athletic Field
@@@@@ @@@|
@ @ @
V—ข NisatocSteam Locomotive Class 48640@ipreserved for displayj
@@@@@@@ @|
Šู“c TachitacSky Lantern Fes.
@@@@@ @@@|
•ฝ‰๊ Hiraka cRESIDENCE INN / Neputa Fes./ Onsen
@@@@@@ @@|
””_‚Z‘O Hakuno-Koko Mae
@@@@@@ @@|
’รŒy”๖ใ Tsugaru OnoecSeibien - the house of Arrietty
@@@@@@ @@|
”๖ใ‚Z‘O Onoe-Koko Mae
@@@@@ @@@|
“c‚๑‚ฺƒA[ƒgTambo AtocTanbo Art Fes.
@@ @@@ @ @ |
“cŽษŠู Inakadate
@@@@@@ @@|
@@ @ @
‹ซผ Sakaimatsu
@@@@@@@ @|
•ฮ KuroishicNeputa Fes./ Yosare Fes.

Konantetsudo Railways official

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