Hiraka station, Head Office of Konan Railways in it |
Hirosaki station |
Kuroish station |
Approaching Hiraka |
Operation normal |
Ready for leaving |
Passengers on train |
Mt. Iwaki in background |
Russel & snowplough |
123 |
Konan Railways has more than 90 yeras history, founded on 27 March 1926
as the northernmost private electric railway-operating company in Japan.
They are serving 16.8 between Hirosaki Station and Kuroishi Station
and have their head office at Hiraka Station, which is the gate way to
RESIDENCE INN Tsugaru-Hirakawa as well.
Historical trains will take you to the right places to visit in Tsugaru easily
and smoothly during your stay with RESIDENCE INN.
@Route Map
@@ OO HirosakicCherry Blossome Fes./Neputa Fes./JR /Bus to APO
@@@@@ @@@|
OOO Hirosaki-Higashiko Mae
@@@@@@ @@|
^ฎ๖O Undo-Koen MaecSports Arena/Baseball Stadium/Athletic Field
@@@@@ @@@|
@ @ @ Vข NisatocSteam Locomotive Class 48640@ipreserved for displayj
@@@@@@@ @|
@@@@ ูc TachitacSky Lantern Fes.
@@@@@ @@@|
@@@@ฝ๊ Hiraka cRESIDENCE INN / Neputa Fes./ Onsen
@@@@@@ @@|
_ZO Hakuno-Koko Mae
@@@@@@ @@|
@ รy๖ใ Tsugaru OnoecSeibien - the house of Arrietty
@@@@@@ @@|
๖ใZO Onoe-Koko Mae
@@@@@ @@@|
c๑ฺA[gTambo AtocTanbo Art Fes.
@@ @@@ @ @ |
@@@ cษู Inakadate
@@@@@@ @@|
@@ @ @ซผ Sakaimatsu
@@@@@@@ @|
@@@@ ฮ KuroishicNeputa Fes./ Yosare Fes.
ฅKonantetsudo Railways official